Südnorwegen - Magmatit - Lyngdal-Granit
Literatur: Bogaerts M. et al. 2006: Petrology of the Lyngdal granodiorite (Southern Norway) and the role of fractional crystallization in the genesis of Proterozoic rapakivi-like granites. Precambrian Research, Elsevier, 2003, 124, 149-184. Falkum T., Petersen J. S. 1774: A three-fold division of the “farsundite” plutonic complex at Farsund, southern Norway. Norsk geologisk tidsskrift, 1974 Falkum T. et al. 1979: The intrusive granites of the Farsund area, south Norway: Their interrelations and relations with the Precambrian metamorphic envelope. http://www.geologi.no › NGT_59_2_125-139 (PDF) Middlemost E. 1968: The granitic rocks of Farsund, south Norway. Nor. Geol. Tidsskr., 48, pp. 81–99. |
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intrusive Granite Südnorwegens zur Übersichtskarte Südnorwegen |