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Zandstra J. G. 1988: Noordelijke
kristallijne gidsgesteenten, E. J. Brill 1988 wurden von mir
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Literatur: Åberg G. 1972: An Rb/Sr Age of Småland porphyries, GFF 94, 2 S. 311-319 Åberg G. 1978: Precambrian geochronology of south-eastern Sweden, GFF 100, 2 S. 125-154 Åberg G. et al. 1985: The Vånga granite, south Sweden - a complex granitic intrusion, GFF 107, 2 S. 153-159 Åberg G. 1986: Further radiometric dating of some young granites and a Småland dike porphyry in southeastern Sweden, GFF 108, 1 S. 57-61 Åberg G., Bjurstedt S. 1986: Radiometric dating of the serorogenic Svecokarelian Enkullen and Fjällberg granites, south central Sweden, GFF 108, 1 S. 73-77 Ahl M. et al. 1997: Rapakivi granites and related rocks in central Sweden, 7th International Symposium on Rapakivi Granites 1996, University of Helsinki, Finland. Exkursion Juli 1996, SGU series Ca 87, Uppsala 1997 Ahl M. et al. 1999: Geology, geochemistry, age and tectonic evolution of the Dala granitoids, central Sweden - Precambrian Research 95, 147-166 Åhäll K. 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